Turn Over Bill to Clerk and Master

Turn Over Bill to Clerk and Master

Bills are at times required to be turned over to the Clerk and Master. This process is easily accomplished by using the Bill Edit or allowing the Clerk and Master Lock process to run, which occurs about once a year.


Bills that are needing to be turned over to the Clerk & Master can be processed using the following.

When the bill has been properly turned over to the Clerk and Master the Red text in the top of the bill information will inform the user of the turnover and date. The Transaction tab will also go from “Transactions” to “Transactions/CM”


If the Transaction tab does not have the \CM or the red (CM) does not appear next to the bill # then the bill has not been turned over and the Edit Bill(F9) function must be used.


When the bill is needing to be edited for the turnover to Clerk and Master then the following will be needed to followed:

Step 1. Search Bill

Step 2. Select Bill

Step 3. Click Edit Bill or Press F9

Step 4. Once in the Bill Edit page

Scroll down to the Tax Information section

Step 5. Scroll down to the selection Clerk and Master

Change selection to TURN OVER TO CLERK & MASTER

Step 6. Enter Date of turnover

The only selection in the Clerk and Master selection is the “Turn Over To Clerk & Master”. Insert date that the bill was turned over.

Step 7. Input a note of reason for change

Requires a note for the change to take effect




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