Account Maintenance
How to create and edit accounts in eGov.
To add or view an account go to accounting-> maintenance-> accounts
To create NEW accounts, always make sure to select "clear" button to start fresh, or go back through the accounting menu between each account to refresh the page so account are not ovwewritten.
Required fields are in yellow boxes (Name, Number and Type)
Name is an alpha numeric text box. The name can be any amount of characters
Number is an alpha numeric text box. Usually a number will consist of a fund, a middle 5 digit account, and an object or location code. These are separated by hyphens in eGov.
The type will determine how credits and debits affect the account, as well as how the account will close out at the end of the year.
Classification has been an imported field from some clients, meaning not many of them have a function. The 2 classifications that are really used in eGov with functionality are summary and bank.
A summary account is a parent account, meaning multiple accounts can roll into the summary.
A bank would be any chart of accounts account number that signifies a fund bank account. These would be any accounts where money is actually deposited.
Summary Account box is where the parent summary accounts are assigned. The child account would be entered into the yellow boxes.
Fund Balance/Closing is the account/s that revenue and expense accounts close into at the end of the year. These are the accounts used to create the offsetting entry in order to balance the zero’d out revenue and expenses.
Items no longer used or not necessary for creating accounts on Account Maintenance Screen:
Standard Account Codes: gives user ability to build the account via a drop down menu. Select the part of the account (fund, middle 5, following object/location) and the account number will fill in.
This ensure each portion of the account is using a correct code that has already been set in the “account code maintenance” screen.
Each code would already need to be present if creating accounts via the drop down.
Real Account Flag/Virtual Account Flag:
Active/Inactive: Use this field to determine if an account is no longer in use. Marking an account as inactive will prevent this account from being used in receipting and journal entries.
Not an encumbrance/encumbrance account: Used if a city client to determine WHERE payables encumbrances are stored. This is only used if the master accounting setting “use encumbrances” is set to “no” and city wishes to view encumbered amounts in separate accounts. They would be identified as encumbrance accounts to keep them from actually hitting the GL in specific reports.
There is also an open notes box to save descriptions or further information on the account being created.