Account Classifications
What menu do these populate: Account Classifications can be thought of as a label or grouping for accounts. Once created they will populate the drop-down list “Classification” when viewing an account from the Account Maintenance screen (or when creating a new account)”
What does ‘Bank’ classification do: When an account has a bank classification it's going to show up listed as a bank on reports (will show up in bank account menu on account analysis).
Parent Classification - Unknown
Name- Name of classification to show on account maintenance drop down
Description- A brief description box to explain what the account classification means
-When you save the classification, where do you go to view it? I created and saved, but what is the next step?? - Emily Go to the accounting → maintenance column. Go to the classification drop down box on the screen.
What does Summary classification do: The summary classification allows accounts to be used as a summary account. If an account is set to the classification it will show up in the summary account drop down so that it can be selected on other accounts.
What is a summary account? It is a “parent account” viewing a summary account will show transactions from all its child accounts, it will never be hit directly by a journal entry.
Do classifications have any other purpose: This is open ended, because Kaley doesn’t know.
-If Kaley doesnt know I don't know - Emily