

  1. State provides tax roll

    1. eGov imports and maintains tax roll into suite

  2. eGov suite is always maintaining current and delinquent bills and balances

    1. Tracking payments and balances throughout the calendar year

  3. Escrow companies (Wells Fargo, Loretta, Corelogic etc) send bulk payment for multiple bills at a time beginning in late October/ early November

  4. GovTech/AutoAgent provide escrow companies a service to lookup an amount that is currently due for the parcels they are responsible for

  5. Escrow companies are than able to create payment files in the eGov format through the portals. Coincide with ACH/wire or a check

    1. Payment file indicates the bills that the lump payment is covering and the amount applied to each bill.


How eGov Delivers the Information


  1. There is a suite command (./egov suite:propertytax:generate:auto_agent_file_export) that generates a file to be uploaded to AutoAgent

    1. This file includes information about all current tax year bills as well as any delinquent prior year bills that still have a balance

    2. The file that stores this command is located




  1. There is a suite command (./egov suite:propertytax:generate:govtech_file_export) that generates a file to be uploaded to GovTech

    1. This file includes information about all current tax year bills as well as any delinquent prior year bills that still have a balance

    2. The file that stores this command is located



How AutoAgent/GovTech provide payment information to eGov

  1. Both AA/GT create a payment file from the bills chosen by the escrow company for payment

    1. The payment file is a fixed width flat file

      1. Full specs on the payment file can be found here - [enter link]

    2. There are two payment file specs. (full requirements doc - https://catalisgov.atlassian.net/browse/EGOVD-5635 )

      1. Legacy file format - from 2012 - supports 7 digit bill numbers

      2. Revised 2019 file format - supports 10 digit bill numbers

      3. The eGov suite is told that it is a 10 digit format by including a header line which state “eGov payment 10 digit”

How to import a payment file

  1. In the eGov suite go to the ‘Property Tax’ tab → under the ‘import/export’ heading select the ‘import file’ option

  2. There will be a drop down, select ‘Mortgage File’. There is a second option that says ‘Mortgage File - multiple checks’ that does NOT work

Steps to test file script is correct

  1. Create a non temporary site in the staging tool

    1. In this example, you name the site 7330 in Jefferson

  2. ssh stage1

  3. docker exec -it 7330 /bin/bash

  4. ./egov suite:propertytax:generate:govtech_file_export

  5. IF not testing FTP, if testing FTP, use step 6

    1. chmod 777 tmp/govtech_export_08012020.csv && mv -iv tmp/govtech_export_08012020.csv public/govtech_export_08012020.csv

    2. attach ‘public/govtech_export_08012020.csv’ to the end of your staging link, and you will download the file.

  6. curl -T tmp/govtech_export_08012020.csv ftp://ftp.govtechtaxpro.com/tn_jefferson/ --user egovftp:SqprtbzT

    NOTE the file name will be the day the file is created, be sure to update the commands accordingly. Also in the FTP step, be sure to change the county name to what ever county you are loading the file for.

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