Turnover Process
Run an End of Bill Lifecycle Report (Property Tax → PDF Reports → End of Bill Lifecycle Report
End of Bill Life Cycle Report
Section II.
Look at the “Balance Difference” section. This should be 0. If not balanced you would run daily aggregate balance report. This will show the day by day breakout allowing to track down the day that the issue took place.
Section III.
You can use this to match the amount to be turned over to the Clerk and Master
Clerk and Master Lock
Property Tax → Administration → Clerk and Master Lock
Choose the tax year for turnover, under parcel types use ctrl click to select all 3.
This does two things:
Notates the date the lock took place
Removes the ability to receive future payments
(There are settings allowing for in-office payments to be received in office if there was an emergency situation)
Clerk and Master Report
Run me
Run this with correct settings based on turnover and select “get summary print file.”
Unsure what this is used for outside of posterity sake. Balanced against something? Provided to an authority party?
Clerk and Master Export
The final step is to create the export to be submitted to the Clerk and Master for import. This is done by visiting Property Tax → Import/Export → Clerk & Master
Individual County Options
Jefferson + Hamblen
Indicate flags, cities if they do multiple cities, etc
Bankruptcy – This field can be toggled to ‘exclude’