Move money from one bill to another using No New Money (NNM)

Move money from one bill to another using No New Money (NNM)

In this how to article you’ll learn how to move money applied incorrectly from one bill to another.


  1. Click on the No New Money icon to the right of the transaction you wish to use

  2. In the top section of the No New Money window, click the checkbox to the left of the bill you wish to move money from.

  3. In the bottom section of the No New Money window, type the year and bill number of the bill you wish to move money to, separated by a dash, and press tab. For example: 2019-5423. This will load the bill to a new line.

  4. On the far right of the the bill line in the bottom section, enter the amount of money to move from the originating bill (selected in step 2 above). Note that the value under “Amount to Apply / Remaining” will count down as you key, if the amount lands at 0.00 you’re amount to apply matches all that was available to be applied.

  5. Select “MOVE PAYMENT” to move the funds from the originating bill (step 2 above) to the correct bill (step 3 above).

IMPORTANT - You must separate the bill number from the year using a dash. Failure to do so will result in unpredictable behavior.


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