Add back a deleted bill
Work in Progress
Use the ppttran_tool followed by the Bill Year, a space, and the Bill Number. Ex:
ppttran_tool.php 2019 3463
From the ppttran_tool main menu - choose option 3) Delete PPT Transaction
Delete or void the transaction line for the deletion
From the ppttran_tool main menu - choose option 5) Modify Bill from the ppttran_tool main menu
Choose option 4) Billing Amount to reinstate the original bill amount
This can be found by viewing the original “Loading” transaction for the bill.
To do so, locate the bill in the software suite, and under the Transactions tab locate the first transaction which should be a 100 code.
From the ppttran_tool main menu - choose option 5) Modify Bill from the ppttran_tool main menu
Choose option 9) Tax Rate to update the bill’s original tax rate
This can be found by viewing the receipt code for Property Tax for this year
Receipts → Maintenance → Receipt Codes & Fees (mod.php?mod=receipts&mode=receipt_code_list)
Typical naming conventions allow searching for PPT and locating the Receipt Code with the current year in the name. Ex: PPT2019215
Look for the Tax Rate section and note this number
From the ppttran_tool main menu - choose option 7) Modify Appraisal and delete the newest appraisal (should have zeros in all of the fields)
Double check the bill in suite by viewing both Combined Info & the Transactions tab
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