Revenue Expenditure and Trial Balance Report (RETB)

Revenue Expenditure and Trial Balance Report (RETB)

Budget - Is created in Accounting → Maintenance

Creating a budget will display all accounts sorted by fund that have been coded as either a Revenue account or an Expense account.

Budget period is determined by looking at the budget year and referring to the value chosen in Accounting → Settings for: Fiscal Year Begins.

Once a budget is set to active, any changes made from Budget Maintenance are stored as Budget Amendments.


  • MTD Expended

The goal of this column is to show in this current month we have used X amount of the current year budget. It is important to note that we must state “Of the Current Year Budget” because this column will not include any debits or credits with a work date within this month IF they are directly related to a Purchase Order created in a prior year’s budget.


  • YTD Expended

The goal of this column is to show in the current fiscal year (defined by Fiscal Year Begins in settings) what amount has been used (debits - credits) of the current year budget. Similarly this column will not include any debits or credits with a work date within the fiscal year IF they are directly related to a Purchase Order created in a prior year’s budget.


  • Encumbered

The goal of this column is to show the amount allocated to each account through approved Purchase Orders. This should be a sum of the total amount for the account in all approved purchase orders, where there has not been payment for the amount. For example: Street Striping & Painting having a quantity of 10 items at $50 a piece would encumber the account $500. However if there had been a $100 payment made, the account would be encumbered $400, and depending upon when the payment was received, your YTD or MTD Expended value should increase by $100.

  • Funds Available

This column should view the Amended Budget for the account and subtract the YTD Expended amount, and subtract the encumbrances (if enabled) to return the result of the remaining funds able to be spent.

  • % Expended

Percentage of the above

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