Pay To Report
What is this used for
Who uses this
How often
How are these numbers generated
What possible issues can exist
Work date vs transaction date
What is this report match with to balance
Vendors? Fees?
What is this used for?
The Pay to Report is used to split out in a more detailed way all the payments made to vendors. these vendors are selectable individually or all together. The report only shows what has been paid and is recorded in the receipt. The top of the report gives a summary of all payments and further below the individual vendors are listed with the payments made to each.
How often is report used and who uses it?
The main user of this report is the Clerk and Master in Montgomery County, TN. They run the report sometimes daily for checking purposes.
Where do the totals come from?
The totals displayed in the report are acquired from the receipts once a payment is processed to a vendor. This is much like the Create Vendor Checks & Close Month under the Collections tab but the data is static. The Create Vendor Checks & Close Month selection allows for payments to be added. The use of the Pay to Report and Create Vendor Checks & Close Month allow for the balance of the report to be checked.
Transaction Date vs Work Date
The Work Date and Transaction Date can be different but the report is going to use the Work Date for the display parameter when running the report. The Transaction Date is the date in which the actual fee was incurred and the Work Date is the day in which the transaction to pay the fee is recorded.
What Could go Wrong?
The primarily fault seen is due to older transactions recorded with the incorrect transaction code or receipt code.
How to fix?
Using the SSH Tools will allow for the change of the receipt and transaction codes in each of the individual transactions.