Batch Add Fees

Batch Add Fees


The Clerk and Master Batch Add Fees allows for the addition of fees to multiple accounts at the same time. This ability is only assessable when all the bills in the selection are turned over to the Clerk and Master from the Accounting.

How To:

The Batch Add Fee selection is in the Collections tab under the heading Accounting.

The screen will allow you to search the bills by multiple ways and give the results below in the Search Results block

When the bill in the Search Results is selected by checking the box next to it then it is automatically put in the Searched Parcels section as part of the bills that will have the Fee added.

To select all the accounts in the Search Results, choose the very top check box.

If using a percentage ensure to add the percent sign %. If not the system sees it as a dollar amount.

Only one Fee/Interest can be added at a time.

Click Add and the box shown below will pop up. If you are done click Ok and the screen will clear if you need to add more fees to the same group click Cancel and continue adding.



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