Adding bills to C&M
1Step 1 2$ php bin/ppttran_tool.php 2018 1234 3 4Step 2 5Select 5) Modify Bill 6 7Step 3 8Set the C&M Turned Over On Date (to todays' date) and save 9 10$ 5 11================================================== 12 MODIFY BILL MENU 13 TAX YEAR [2018], BILL# [1234] TYPE [COUNTY] 14================================================== 0 ) Acct#/Tax Year [75107 (2018)] <1276294> BILL# 1234 15 1 ) Parcel Type [COUNTY] 16 2 ) C&M Turned Over On [0000-00-00] <[Blank]> <--- 17 3 ) ATTX Turned Over On [0000-00-00] <[Blank]> 18 4 ) Billing Amount [931.00] 19 5 ) Billing Rollback Amt [0.00] 20 6 ) Balance Due : TAX [0.00] 21 7 ) Balance Due : PENALTY [0.00] 22 8 ) Relief Application Type [] 23 9 ) Tax Rate [3.07000] 24 A ) Tax Relief Status [No Tax Relief] 25 B ) Bankruptcy [No] 26 C ) Under Appeal [No] 27 D ) Public Utility [No] 28 E ) Rollback Tax Balance [0.00] 29 F ) Map & Parcel [3-6G-L-6G-16.00--0] 30 G ) C&M Hold Flag [No] 31 H ) Last Receipt Date [0000-00-00] <[Blank]> 32 I ) SSD Amount [0] 33 J ) Tax Relief Amount [0.00] 34 K ) City Number [135] <CLARKSVILLE> 35 s ) Save Changes 36 q ) Exit (to Main Menu) 37 38 Step 4 39Grab the ID in <>'s, 1276294 40 41Step 5 42$ php bin/transfer_to_collections.php 1276294 43 44Step 6 45Login to the software 46 47Step 7 48Goto Collections >> Pending Direct Imports 49 50Step 8 51Check-mark the newest Pending Import 52 53Step 9 54Click the Import Selected (F10) 55 56Step 10 57Load the parcel in Collections Parcel Info, and check to make sure the 58necessary fees are loaded, Montgomery should auto-load 59but other counties may not