Requirements Package for Landmark Image Conversion Process:

Requirements Package for Landmark Image Conversion Process:


  • The image files must be in single page TIFF format

  • The image files must be stored in an accessible storage location, such as a local or network drive

  • The image files must be in a standard folder structure, not in zip or rar archives

  • Confirmation that SSMS can access the storage location of the files with proper permissions

  • A CSV index file must be provided with a minimum of the clerk file number, book number, and starting page number

Image File Traversal:

  • Use the sys.xp_dirtree procedure to traverse the file structure of the storage location

  • The parent folder for the images should be specified as the first parameter

  • The folder depth should be set to 0 to allow traversal of all subfolders

  • The third parameter should be set to 1 to show all files and folders in the result set

  • Parse the data from sys.xp_dirtree with a cursor loop to capture the file location of each image to be loaded into the DocumentImage table

Document Table:

  • Create a Document table with the following columns:

    • ClerkFileNumber (Document Number/CFN)

    • BookNumber (from index file)

    • PageNumber (starting page number from index file)

    • BookType (specified by customer)

    • DocumentTypeId (specified by customer)

    • RecordDate = 1901-01-01 11:11:11.111 (unique date value)

    • Status = V (verified status)

    • Category = 0 (Recordable document type)

    • PageCount (count of related images per document, to be counted after inserting rows)

DocumentImage Table:

  • Create a DocumentImage table with the following columns:

    • ClerkFileNumber (Document Number/CFN)

    • DocumentID (value of the inserted row from the Document table)

    • BookNumber (from index file)

    • ImageSequence (from image file name or index file)

    • PageNumber (calculated value from starting page number and image sequence)

    • ImageShare = \VLandmarkImages\ (first part of the full image file path)

    • ImagePath (remaining second part of the full image path from xp_dirtree results)

    • BookType (specified by customer)

    • ImageSequenceDisplay (same as ImageSequence value)

Frontend Access:

  • Once the Document and DocumentImage tables are loaded per the above requirements, the documents should be searchable and viewable from the frontend

  • Check that the book type and doc type loaded above exist in the Book and DocumentType tables. Book.Code corresponds to the Document.BookType and DocumentImage.BookType fields.

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