Requirements Package for Landmark Image Conversion Process:
The image files must be in single page TIFF format
The image files must be stored in an accessible storage location, such as a local or network drive
The image files must be in a standard folder structure, not in zip or rar archives
Confirmation that SSMS can access the storage location of the files with proper permissions
A CSV index file must be provided with a minimum of the clerk file number, book number, and starting page number
Image File Traversal:
Use the sys.xp_dirtree procedure to traverse the file structure of the storage location
The parent folder for the images should be specified as the first parameter
The folder depth should be set to 0 to allow traversal of all subfolders
The third parameter should be set to 1 to show all files and folders in the result set
Parse the data from sys.xp_dirtree with a cursor loop to capture the file location of each image to be loaded into the DocumentImage table
Document Table:
Create a Document table with the following columns:
ClerkFileNumber (Document Number/CFN)
BookNumber (from index file)
PageNumber (starting page number from index file)
BookType (specified by customer)
DocumentTypeId (specified by customer)
RecordDate = 1901-01-01 11:11:11.111 (unique date value)
Status = V (verified status)
Category = 0 (Recordable document type)
PageCount (count of related images per document, to be counted after inserting rows)
DocumentImage Table:
Create a DocumentImage table with the following columns:
ClerkFileNumber (Document Number/CFN)
DocumentID (value of the inserted row from the Document table)
BookNumber (from index file)
ImageSequence (from image file name or index file)
PageNumber (calculated value from starting page number and image sequence)
ImageShare = \VLandmarkImages\ (first part of the full image file path)
ImagePath (remaining second part of the full image path from xp_dirtree results)
BookType (specified by customer)
ImageSequenceDisplay (same as ImageSequence value)
Frontend Access:
Once the Document and DocumentImage tables are loaded per the above requirements, the documents should be searchable and viewable from the frontend
Check that the book type and doc type loaded above exist in the Book and DocumentType tables. Book.Code corresponds to the Document.BookType and DocumentImage.BookType fields.