Benchmark Image Converter Windows Service

Benchmark Image Converter Windows Service







Main Project



Deployment Project



Build Repository





Building and Packaging a Release

None of the Benchmark Windows services are being built by the build server due to complications with the setup project being used there. Follow the directions below to prepare, build, and package a Benchmark Image Converter Service release. 

Update the Service and Installer Versions 

Update the Service’s Assembly Info Version

Locate the “AssemblyInfo.cs” file in the “My Project” folder of the “Image Conversion Service” project.

Open the “AssemblyInfo.cs” file for editing.

It is a good idea to check that the copyright company and year in the file are current when you’re updating for a forthcoming build. If necessary, update the company and copyright details.

Locate the “AssemblyVersion” and “AssemblyFileVersion” fields at the end of the file and update the version as appropriate. Remember that with our Windows services, we’re leaving the last version identifier field as “0” as the installer will only reflect three levels of version identification.

Update the Project Package Properties

Open the “Benchmark.ImageConverterService” project Properties. In Package > General, update the Package Version, Assembly Version, and File Version.





Update the Setup Project Version

Locate the “Benchmark.ImageConverterSetup” setup project.

Right-click on the project and select the “Check Out for Edit…” option from the menu. The setup project will not allow you to update the version information without checking out the project first.

With “Benchmark.ImageConverterSetup” still selected in the Solution menu, click on the “Properties” tab at the bottom of the “Solution Explorer” panel.

In the listed properties, locate and update the “Version” value to the desired value.

Visual Studio will prompt you asking if you would like to update the “ProductCode” automatically too. If you agree to update the “ProductCode” value, Visual Studio will update to a new GUID value.

Check in your version update changes.

Additional Items to Check

Make sure that you have the latest checked in version of the following files in the “Benchmark.ImageConverterService” project:

  • appsettings.json

  • CustomSelectText.sql

Building the Release

Be sure that the build mode in Visual Studio is set to “Release”.

Locate the “Benchmark.ImageConverterSetup” setup project.

Right-click on the project and select the “Build” option from the menu.

After the build completes and packages successfully, right-click on the project again and select the “Open Folder in File Explorer” option.

Open the “Release” folder.

The “Release” folder will contain the .msi and setup.exe files to be packaged in the service release.

Packaging the Release


Navigate to the build repository or “Downloads” folder for Benchmark Image Converter Service releases.


Create a folder for the new release.

Copy the “Documentation” folder from the most recent release folder.

Create the “Update” folder.

Place the updated .msi and setup.exe files in this “Update” folder.



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