Benchmark Client Build Instructions
Clone or Get Latest from Court/Dev/Dev for 2.10 or Court/Release/Release 2.9 for 2.9 or depending on where it is needed to pull.
Check to make sure all necessary check-ins are done.
Update AssemblyInfo for all projects under solution
Replace all 2.10.8 (current version) with (latest New Version)
22 files with 44 different locations that should get updated (2.10)
18 files with 36 different locations that should get updated (2.9)
Update WhatsNew.txt with New Version and Date
Update 1_UpdateClientTableSchema_v(current version).sql file
Make sure any new fields are added to the 1_UpdateClientTableSchema_v(current version).sql file. Check for any CourtDataLayer base class changes since last build.
There should also be version numbers in this file.
Copy script for version and update to latest new version number
Looks at the extended properties of tblVersion
This part prevents the nag box about version mismatch when you launch Benchmark
Rename 1_UpdateClientTableSchema_v(current version).sql, changing the version number to the new version number.
Copy the renamed 1_UpdateClientTableSchema_v(new version).sql to the SchemaUpdates\Versions folder.
Check in, make sure the 22 (2.10) or 18 (2.9) AssemblyInfo files, the WhatsNew.txt file, the SchemaUpdates\1_UpdateClientTableSchema_v(new version).sql file, the SchemaUpdates\Versions\1_UpdateClientTableSchema_v(new version).sql, and the CourtWin.vbproj file are the only ones included in the check in. Add a comment then check in the changes.
Team Explorer > Choose Builds > Filter for Benchmark Related Builds > Client Dev release
Click Run pipeline
The build process can take anywhere from 20-30 minutes. It will get the latest, Todo a check for suspicious code etc.
Defects that need to be added to multiple versions will each have a different defect ticket number.
When the package is done, it will send an email to QA to let them know the build is ready
The process will also update the defect tickets to Testing at PTG. It gets the numbers from the What’s New files
Builds are on a physical build server because there are licenses required that are installed on that machine. Our IT is working to switch to Azure DevOps server eventually.
If the build takes longer than 60 minutes, it will fail.
If it has not completed the Copy to Downloads step, run the pipeline again.
If it has completed the Copy to Downloads step, the pipeline does not have to be rerun; the remaining steps can be completed manually.
Testing release:
Run the sql update scripts against a local database to make sure there are no issues.
The first one will update the schema, the 2nd one will go through and add any field defaults needed or new rights to existing customers.
SonarQube report will give you an overview of any potential bugs etc.
These may or may not be an issue for us with the specific use case of your methods.