Promoting Data across environments

Promoting Data across environments


Data Promotion is the controlled process in which converted data gets moved from a working, lower-tier environment (Configuration, Conversion, QA, etc) to a customer-facing higher tier one, ensuring that there’s no loss of data or re-work needed.

The first requirement for a streamlined data promotion process is to have defined environment DB’s which should be requisitioned at the Kick-off for each Project.


The different tiers, each Tier may contain multiple sites as required by the Project goals.



Requirements for Data Promotion

  1. Environment Tiers defined and identified. All DB’s should follow the naming Convention PNCustomerName_IntendedUse. Where PN is the initials for the Product Name. i.e. BMBrevard_Conversion and BMBrevard_Configuration for Benchmark, LMPalmBeach_Test for LandMark, TSCobb_Staging for TaxSmart.

  2. Ensure working tools are included in the Startup DB The startup DB should include any jobs, staging tables, procedures, triggers, etc. that would be used by the Operations teams.

  3. The Project Cadence for the Data Promotion Establish the plan and regularity in which data will be moved. Each project would have its own scheduling and cadence, but the process will be the same.


Data Promotion

Because Configuration and Conversion may occur on different Databases, promoting data also means merging these data sets. The sequence is as follows:

  1. Back up Configuration Sheets

  2. Back up Tier 2 DB

  3. Restore Tier 2 Backup on Conversion DB

  4. Restore the Configuration Sheets on Conversion DB

  5. Re-run Conversion on Conversion DB

  6. Back up Conversion DB

  7. Restore on Conversion DB to Tier 2


For configuration, we will employ the https://governmentbrands.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DA/pages/24342200391 to export the configuration tables into Excel sheets which can then be easily imported into the target DB.

For conversion, we’ll do Data Backups which we can just restore into the Target DB. We’ll need to ensure the conversion backups are incremental, as the goal is to provide more data with each promotion.



1st meeting on this topic and brief demo for the Excel Export Configuration

Data Promotion-20221019_133318-Meeting Recording.mp4

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