Conversion Jira Story format
The following fields must be populated to raise an actionable story for Conversion. See the 2 images at the bottom of the document if some of these fields are not visible under the “Create” button.
Summary: A descriptive title of the intent for the story.
Description: A description of the issue containing the current behavior and the expected behavior. The Gherkin method helps identify the acceptance criteria.
i.e. Missing the Bondsman party type in Party dropdown.
Scenario: setting up Parties, as a Benchmark user when clicking on the Party type drop-down Then all party types are shown including Attorney, Judge, Officer and Bondsman.
Customer Name: This is a drop-down that allows free text, we should be picking the existing customer name that would’ve been created with the Parent Epic (Project tracker) to avoid duplicated records.
Epic Link: Drop-down list of the parent project trackers that contain all stories within a project.
Component: Used by PM’s to label a story as Billable or Non-billable.
Acceptance Criteria: is the Definition of Done that determines whether the request has been satisfied. i.e. “Bondsman type is consistently presented in the dropdown for party creation”
Clicking on the ellipsis at the top right will present the “Show fields” option
Upon clicking on the “Show Fields”, we can configure what fields we need on the “Create” screen. We only need to do this once per user profile.