Grant user access to a restored DB
When taking a Benchmark backup and restoring it locally on our servers, we’ll need to grant the Server User access to the specific DB we just restored to ensure we can log into the Front-End
If the restored DB already contains the user, we will need to remove it before adding it back from the Server, since the pointer will not be for the current Server.
This is under Database > Security > Logins > Right click on User
Then go to the Server Security located at Server > Security > Logins > Right click on User select Properties, select User Mapping, check the Database we’re adding the user to, ensure Default Schema is set to dbo and that the role membership is set to db_owner
Ensure that your PTGAppSettings is up to date with the Username, password and DB connection strings
Now that your connection string is set up, the application can access the DB, if this is a restored DB you can use the existing users in tblParty, if this is a new DB you will still need to configure your front-facing user credentials.
For new DB’s, simply create a row in tblParty under the PrimaryPartyType ‘SYS’. Common names for development or conversion users are ‘PTGAdmin’, ‘PTGConversion', etc. These are the credentials that will be used to log into the front-end.