Benchmark Jail Web Service
Developer Reference Guide
A WCF service used to create cases from submitted requests and to facilitate the transfer of warrant information.
Main Project
Deployment Project
Build Repository
Logs to tblServiceLog with various ServiceName values starting with “Jail Service”. The ServiceName changes depending on which module of the project initiated the log.
May log to the Event Log on the hosting machine for errors that do not make it to the database.
Logs RecordFilingRequest processing to file in addition to the tblServiceLog entries.
select top 100 * from tblServiceLog (nolock)
where ServiceName like 'Jail Service%'
order by ServiceLogID desc
Current Existence
This is used in a few customer locations with more coming up from current implementations. The list below may not be exhaustive.
Customers and Scope:
Sarasota, FL
o Jail Bookings
o Warrants Exchange
Charlotte, FL
o Jail Bookings
Wichita, KS
o Niche Integration via Benchmark Niche Windows Service
Houston, GA
o CentralSquare Jail Integration
o EWI Integration via Benchmark EWI Windows Service
Version Updates
When updating the AssemblyInfo file for the BenchmarkDistributedServices.Deployment project in preparation for a build, it’s good to keep the others included in the screenshot below in sync. This is easiest done by a “Find and Replace All” operation and using the full version number with quotes as to only affect the value in the applicable AssemblyInfo files and no other notes or references.
Service Project Web Properties
Set the local hosting settings for the service in order to run on your workstation and debug requests.
Right-click on the “Benchmark.DistributedServices.Deployment” project and click on the “Properties” option.
Click on the “Web” option in the left-hand panel. Set the local IIS config and click the “Create Virtual Directory” button.
Visual Studio should say the directory was created successfully and the site should appear in IIS.
You can debug the service alone by running it as the only startup project in a debug session. In this scenario, you may be testing with other code or components like the Niche and EWI Windows Services submitting requests to your Jail Web Service instance.
You can also debug the service along with a Jail Test Client application included in the solution. Debugging both projects requires you to set multiple startup projects for the solution. Right-click on the solution at the top of the “Solution Explorer” menu and select the “Set Startup Projects” option. Select the “Benchmark.DistributedServices.Deployment” and “Jail Test Client” as the startup projects without any others selected to run.