Title: | Miami Benchmark Project 2023-24 | |
Owner: | Tarun Sainger | |
Creator: | Tarun Sainger | Sept 24, 2024 |
Last Changed by: | Tarun Sainger | Sept 24, 2024 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://catalisgov.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AoDV5gU | |
Export As: | Word · PDF | |
Operations: | Copy |
Children (11)
MB-6: Implement "View PTS Report" Button to Generate PSA Report Based on Booking Number
MB-153: Replace Jail Number with Booking Number and Generate PTS/PSA Report
MB-11: Displaying Case Petition Attributes
MB-2: Case Search Workflow Enhancement
MB-147: Calendar Search Workflow Enhancement
MB-60: Add Motions Area to the Judicial Viewer
MB-61: Add Petitions Area to the Judicial Viewer
Sprint Plan(Tentative)- Miami Benchmark -Q4
Ticket Template for MB Project (Recommended)
Code branching, Peer Review and Merge request Process
MB-6: Implement "View PTS Report" Button to Generate PSA Report Based on Booking Number
MB-153: Replace Jail Number with Booking Number and Generate PTS/PSA Report
MB-11: Displaying Case Petition Attributes
MB-2: Case Search Workflow Enhancement
MB-147: Calendar Search Workflow Enhancement
MB-60: Add Motions Area to the Judicial Viewer
MB-61: Add Petitions Area to the Judicial Viewer
Sprint Plan(Tentative)- Miami Benchmark -Q4
Ticket Template for MB Project (Recommended)
Code branching, Peer Review and Merge request Process
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