Developer Setup for CMS360

Developer Setup for CMS360


The purpose of this document is to get a developer setup locally so that Icon CMS360 can be compiled.

Setup for CMS360


The below repositories need to be cloned and setup under a particular folder structure on the client machine.  For example, in the below structure the icon.web.cms360 git repository would need to be called CMS360 on the client machine, and be placed under a CMS360 parent folder. 

For reference, if you are starting in a root folder of “Repo”, under that each project file would be located at the following spot.

- CMS360\CMS360\CMS360.sln - CMS360\CMS360\CMS360\CMS360.csproj - CMS360\CMS360\IconSoftware.Accounting.CreditProcessing\IconSoftware.Accounting.CreditProcessing.csproj - Exchanges\CaliberExporter\IconSoftware.Exchanges.Caliber\IconSoftware.Exchanges.Caliber.csproj - Exchanges\CJEPExchange\IconSoftware.Exchanges.CJEP.CCH\IconSoftware.CJEP.CCH.csproj - Exchanges\CJEPExchange\IconSoftware.Exchanges.CJEP.EFiling\IconSoftware.Exchanges.CJEP.EFiling.csproj - Exchanges\CJEPExchange\IconSoftware.Exchanges.CJEP.SentenceOrder\IconSoftware.Exchanges.CJEP.SentenceOrder.csproj - CMS360\CMS360\IconSoftware.Exchanges.GIS\IconSoftware.Exchanges.GIS.csproj - CMS360\CMS360\IconSoftware.Exchanges.Municity\IconSoftware.Exchanges.Municity.csproj - Exchanges\EFileProcessor\IconSoftware.Exchanges.PeachCourt.EFiling.Criminal\IconSoftware.Exchanges.PeachCourt.EFiling.Criminal.csproj - Exchanges\TriedataECertify\IconSoftware.Exchanges.TrieDataECertify.csproj - CMS360\CMS360\IconSoftware.Interface\IconSoftware.Interface.csproj - RealEstateFilingService\RealEstateFilingService\PRIA Library v2.4\PRIA Library v2.4.csproj


Open the CMS360\CMS360\CMS360.sln solution and make sure all projects load properly.  If they do not, make sure the paths are set as described above.

In Visual Studio, go to Tools->Nuget Package Manager. 

Click the gear icon to the right to load the settings.  Click the + button under Package Sources and type TelerikeNuGetV3 for the name and https://nuget.telerik.com/v3/index.json for the source.  Click “Ok”.

You should see a ‘Restore’ button at the top of the nuget package manager.  Click it and it should restore all packages the site needs.  You will also be prompted for a login for the Telerik nuget site.  Ask a dev lead or manager for this information.


  •  If you get an error compiling that says it can’t find the EFileHelper.dll, open up the EFileProcessor solution and compile it. That will create the dll.

  • If you have to remove a project and add it back to the solution, you will probably have to re-add the reference to it in CMS360 project (and possibly IconSoftware and others).

  • Make sure you are running Visual Studio as Administrator.

  • If you get a 500 error, check the CMS360 folder and make sure the IIS_IUSRS and local Users group have rights to the folder. Read/Write should work, if not try full control.



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