Sample Data
Benchmark Files Original System Timing Information
The following timing information about the original New Vision redaction system was sent along in the email that contained the file. (This is a duplicate of the information in the Excel file above.)
doc_id | CFN | Pages | Times in Milliseconds | OCR Time (s) | Redact Time (s) |
40816610 | 20210000019 | 1 | ocrtime="5993" redacttime="73" totaltime="6066" totalpages="1" coverpages="0" resolution="300" | 5.993 | 0.073 |
40816652 | 20210000051 | 4 | ocrtime="2281" redacttime="180" totaltime="2461" totalpages="4" coverpages="0" resolution="300" | 2.281 | 0.180 |
40816653 | 20210000052 | 2 | ocrtime="938" redacttime="30" totaltime="968" totalpages="2" coverpages="0" resolution="300" | 0.938 | 0.030 |
40816739 | 20210000088 | 2 | ocrtime="1412" redacttime="92" totaltime="1504" totalpages="2" coverpages="0" resolution="300" | 1.412 | 0.092 |
40817476 | 20210000229 | 269 | ocrtime="253101" redacttime="25667" totaltime="278768" totalpages="269" coverpages="0" resolution="300" | 253.101 | 25.667 |
40817662 | 20210000581 | 25 | ocrtime="46143" redacttime="9448" totaltime="55591" totalpages="25" coverpages="0" resolution="300" | 46.143 | 9.448 |
40819789 | 20210002141 | 2 | ocrtime="10208" redacttime="617" totaltime="10825" totalpages="2" coverpages="0" resolution="300" | 10.208 | 6.170 |
40819817 | 20210002155 | 1 | ocrtime="3743" redacttime="283" totaltime="4026" totalpages="1" coverpages="0" resolution="300" | 3.743 | 2.830 |
40819846 | 20210002184 | 5 | ocrtime="7160" redacttime="2167" totaltime="9327" totalpages="5" coverpages="0" resolution="300" | 7.160 | 2.167 |
40819847 | 20210002185 | 19 | ocrtime="29255" redacttime="6149" totaltime="35404" totalpages="19" coverpages="0" resolution="300" | 29.255 | 6.149 |