Coral BackEnd API Flow
Two endpoints
Indexing Flow @ Coral:
Indexing Flag – N - Tenant doesn't do indexing
Send document to verify queue: Creates a record in Queue table, with QueueType=2 (from the enum)
Indexing Flag – Y – Tenant does Indexing
It Verifies all documents and all de values indexed for the documentType assigned (indexFields & LegalGroup):
If all values marked as required for indexing (column isRequiredForIndexing=true) are populated, then the document is sent to verify queue. Creates a record in Queue table, with QueueType=2 (“verify” from the enum)
If at least one value marked as required for indexing (column isRequiredForIndexing=true), is not assigned, then the document is sent to indexing queue. Creates a record in Queue table, with QueueType=1 (“index“ from the enum)
If all the values from the documentType ( indexFields & LegalGroup) are assigned, (column isRequiredForIndexing=true), then the document is sent to verify queue. Creates a record in Queue table, with QueueType=2 (“verify” from the enum)