Steps for Adding a New Tenant

Steps for Adding a New Tenant

  1. Login to RDS Database Using PGAdmin

    1. Open PGAdmin: Launch PGAdmin on your system.

    2. Connect to RDS:

      • In PGAdmin, add a new server connection using the credentials (hostname, port, username, password) for your RDS instance.

  2. Create a New Database

    • Run the Create Database Script: (Replace the name of the database for the county name)

    • Run Database Schema Script

    • Run Database Data Script

  3. Update Central Database.

    1. Connect to the Central Database: Log in to the central database for the environment where the new tenant will be added (e.g., Test, QA, Stage, or Prod).

      1. Add New County: If the county is not present, execute: (Replace name of the County)

      2. Add New State: If the state is not present, execute: (Replace name of the State)

      3. Add New Tenant: Execute the SQL script to add the new tenant. Make sure to replace the placeholders with the actual values:

  4. Insert Default User

    1. Still Connected to Central Database: Ensure you're connected to the central database where the default user should be added. This script with insert the Default user testcoral@catalisgov.com. This user is already registered in the Catalis Identity Server.

  5. Login to Catalis Identity Server https://test-login.automonapps.com/Account/Login

    1. Access Identity Server: Log in to the Catalis Identity Server using your credentials.

    2. Create New Tenant: Follow the steps within the Identity Server to add a new tenant. Ensure that:

      • The tenant name matches the database name created.

      • Additional details are filled in as required by the server.

    3. Create new tenant

    4. Assign Default user to new Tenant




  1. Coral application will do a redirect to the identity server to determine if the user is authorized

  2. Identify server will return the Token and TenanId

  3. Apis will be authorized by using the Token Id returned by the Identity Server


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