Dev Knowledge Sharing - Benchmark
  1. CourtDataLayer (Base Class Generation, Database fields, Child Collections)

  2. DocumentTemplates and Benchmark System Admin Table

  3. Admin Tables, Rights, Security Matrix and ListActions

  4. Rights, Case Lists, and CodeSmith

  5. Using TextBox Control vs Question and Answer, Application setup for Muni Type Counties

  6. Auto Actions / List Actions

  7. Fees - Part 1

  8. Fees - Part 2

  9. Cashiering via a Case List, Fees - Pt3 Holding Accounts & Agency Checks

  10. High level overview of Benchmark Services

  11. eRecord Service, Image Converter, Scanning

  12. TCATS & CCIS

  13. CCIS, UCR, & Citation Service

  14. OCN Service (Ohio Court Network), Web Citation Service, BMV Export & BCI Export

  15. Supreme Court Reports Overview

  16. BenchmarkWeb - Offline Viewer/OCR - CAPS Certification Overview

  17. Citation Service Build Process

  18. Supreme Court Reports Overview #2

  19. Session 19

  20. Session 20