All Web-Based Products
Includes any web-based product that could be installed on-premise, such Catalis Court CMS (CMS360), Catalis Jury (Justice360), Case Management Public Search, or Land Records Search.
EOS = product is no longer supported by Microsoft (End of Support).
Server (primary applications):
Must run on a Microsoft Windows Operating System that is not EOS.
IIS 8 or greater must be installed, and any IIS version that is installed will no longer be supported once EOS occurs.
Must have Microsoft .NET 4.7.2 or higher installed.
For CMS360 and Jury, the system can be load-balanced with the connection from the load balancer to the server being http or https. Please see integration section for an exception to this for one web service.
Server should have enough RAM and CPU to support the number of applications in use and the workload for the court. 8GB at a minimum but higher could be needed.
Server (database):
Must have Microsoft SQL Server that is not EOS installed. We do not support any other SQL servers such as MySQL, etc.
If customer has a public search site that is hosted by Catalis, or is using a Catalis hosted solution such as PayYourTix or EZ-Filing, the installed SQL Server must either support replication, or the server must allow for a Backup+FTP solution to be installed. If replicating, any firewall changes necessary to support the connection to Catalis must be configured and maintained by the court. Also note that a customer may choose to host the search site in their own environment. See other server items for details.
Server (Ancillary applications/services):
If integrating with Peach Court E-Filing, the server must allow for the appropriate outbound and inbound connections to Peach Court.
If integrating with Tyler Technologies E-Filing, a web service must be setup that is available on the internet to Tyler Technologies. The web service must be available over https only. Load-balanced environment is supported but only for a single server and not multiple servers. Also, connection from load balancer to server must be over https due to security messages that need to be exchanged with Tyler.
If customer is hosting their own public case search site and is charging for images, an SSL connection will be required. Charging for images over a non-secure connection is not supported. Customer is responsible for setting up and maintaining the connection from the site to the internet and any firewall changes necessary.
Must have a Microsoft Windows Operating System that is not EOS.
Must have http://Microsoft.NET 4.7.2 or higher installed to scan.
Only Chromium based browsers are supported (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge).
Machine must have enough RAM to support the workload being done. 8GB is the minimum recommended amount.
For editing any mail merge documents created by the program, the full version of Microsoft Word must be used. The app version available on the app store is not supported.
If not sending emails via a server, Microsoft Outlook is required to be installed to send emails. Other email clients will not be supported.
If any spreadsheet reports are to be used, Microsoft Excel must be installed. Other spreadsheet clients will not be supported.
Mobile devices are not currently supported for running the software.
Only scanners that support TWAIN drivers are supported.
If a printer is supported by Windows and users can print from it via their machine, it should work with our applications.
Any firewall issues dealing with third party integrations, internet connects, etc., must be handled by the customer.
Legacy Applications
Includes any non-.NET executables that were written in Borland Delphi. These include criminal.exe, civil.exe, magistrate.exe, juvenile.exe, accounting.exe, general.exe, lcr.exe, and several others.
Server (primary applications):
Must run on a Microsoft Windows Operating System that is not EOS.
Server should have enough RAM and CPU to support the number of applications in use and the workload for the court. 8GB at a minimum but higher could be needed.
Server (database):
Must have Microsoft SQL Server that is not EOS installed. We do not support any other SQL servers such as MySQL, etc.
For customers using any Catalis hosted ancillary web products (public search, PayYourTix, EZ-Filing), please see Server (Data) section under the web products.
Server (Ancillary applications/services):
If integrating with Peach Court E-Filing, the server must allow for the appropriate outbound and inbound connections to Peach Court. Any firewall changes must be handled by the court. Minimum of .NET 4.7.2 must be installed on the machine running the programs.
Integration with Tyler Technology E-Filing is not supported with legacy applications.
If customer is hosting their own public case search site and is charging for images, an SSL connection will be required. Charging for images over a non-secure connection is not supported. Customer is responsible for setting up and maintaining the connection from the site to the internet.
Must have a Microsoft Windows Operating System that is not EOS.
Machine must have enough RAM to support the workload being done. 8GB is the minimum recommended amount.
For editing any mail merge documents created by the program, the full version of Microsoft Word must be used. The app version available on the app store is not supported.
Microsoft Outlook is required to be installed to send emails. Other email clients will not be supported.
If any spreadsheet reports are to be used, Microsoft Excel must be installed. Other spreadsheet clients will not be supported.
Note that Windows Version 11+ requires the legacy application shortcuts to be run as Administrator. Otherwise certain procedure calls to Office will not work. Running a shortcut in this environment as a non-Administrator would not be supported.
Only scanners that support TWAIN drivers are supported.
If a printer is supported by Windows and users can print from it via their machine, it should work with our applications.