Steps to compile legacy solution in VS2022:
Landmark Client
Clone Git repository: Landmark Legacy - Azure Repos
Fix all missing references (Some of them can be found on bin folders or on the attached zip file
Upgrade framework to 4.8 on Test projects([Pending project location reference]).
Steps to install DotImageViewer 10.5
IIS Changes:
Turn on windows authentication feature
Turn on ASP, ASP.NET3.5, ASP.NET 4.8 under Application Development Features
Install Windows Hosting Bundle
Download and run as Administrator, Atalasoft-SDKs-10-5-Setup-31284 installer
Run Activation Wizard(Trial version) as administrator to being able to use Atalasoft DLL in the project.
If the connection wants to be established to a local DB or we want to specify the connection details, after compiling LandMark Client project, check connections contents on Debug folder, you can check which connections are the ones that are being used and modify the connection file under Connections folder on this project.
Landmark Website
Clone Git repository: Records Management system/_git/Landmark Legacy
Fix all missing references (Some of them can be found on bin folders or on the attached zip file
Upgrade framework to 4.8 on Test projects([Pending project location reference]).
Steps to install DotImageViewer 10.5
IIS Changes:
Turn on windows authentication feature
Turn on ASP, ASP.NET3.5, ASP.NET 4.8 under Application Development Features
Install Windows Hosting Bundle
Download and run as Administrator, Atalasoft-SDKs-10-5-Setup-31284 installer
Run Activation Wizard(Trial version) as administrator to being able to use Atalasoft DLL in the project.
In LandmarkWeb project remove references:
Add references from folder Program Files (x86)\Atalasoft\DotImage 10.5\bin\4.0\x64
Update Platform Target to “Any Cpu” instead “x86”