Ticket: MB-61 - Add Petitions Area to the Judicial Viewer
Understanding Flow:
User Logs In: The user logs into the Benchmark Web Application.
Access Judicial Viewer: The user navigates to the Judicial Viewer and opens a specific case.
Check User Rights:
The system checks if user has the "View Petitions" right.
Display Petitions Section:
If the logged in user has the right to view petitions and the court type of the case is configured to display petitions, the petition section should be added to the summary screen.
The Petitions section can be either collapsed or expanded depending on user settings. Petitions are visible, default to collapsed or expanded, and can specify the order they see the petition section in the summary screen.
We assume, petition type, petition date, disposition and disposition date will be shown in the petition details section and it should be collapsible.
Web view case detail should be the same as window case detail view with Petition tab like mentioned below.
User Interaction:
The user can expand or collapse the Petitions section.
The user can view detailed petition information (e.g., petition type, date filed, status, etc.).
If the user has update access, they can edit the petition details.
Save Settings: Users can customize the visibility, collapsed/expanded state, and order of the Petitions section in the Case Summary settings.
2. Use Cases for MB-61
Use Case 1: View Petitions
Primary Actor: Case Manager.
Precondition: The user has the "View Petitions" right, and the court type allows petitions.
Trigger: The user navigates to the Judicial Viewer.
Main Success Flow:
The system checks the user's rights and court type configuration.
The Petitions Area is displayed based on the user’s settings (collapsed or expanded).
The user views the petition details.
Alternate Flow:
If the user lacks the "View Petitions" right or the court type does not allow petitions, the Petitions section is not displayed.
Use Case 2: Edit Petitions
Primary Actor: Case Manager
Precondition: The user has update access to the case.
Trigger: The user navigates to the Petitions Area and clicks to edit.
Main Success Flow:
The user selects a petition and edits the details.
The system validates the input data.
The changes are saved and reflected in the petition details.
Alternate Flow:
If the user does not have update access, the system does not allow edits.
3. Test Cases for MB-61
Test Case 1: Verify Display of Petitions Area
Test Step: Log in as a user with the "View Petitions" right and navigate to a case.
Expected Result: The Petitions Area is visible in the case summary.
Negative Test: Log in as a user without the "View Petitions" right. The Petitions Area should not be displayed.
Test Case 2: Verify Edit Functionality for Petitions
Test Step: Log in as a user with update access and navigate to a case.
Expected Result: The user can modify the petition details and save changes.
Test Case 3: Verify Configuration of Petitions Area
Test Step: Adjust the Petitions section’s visibility, collapsed/expanded state, and order in the Case Summary settings.
Expected Result: The configuration is applied correctly, and the Petitions Area reflects the chosen settings.