The Excel export is a table configured job solution that is used to dynamically export the contents of a SQL table into excel. This is particularly useful for capturing configuration work or any other ‘manual’ data work that is not observed within the data packages.
How to use
After following the deployment instructions, the user can call the dbo.QueueExport proc to queue the tables to be exported. Upon execution, the proc will insert a pointer for all the active exports at that time into the PTG_ExportQueue table, where the records will await for the next time the job runs, exports the rows and marks the rows as exported in the PTG_ExportOut table.
The solution has 3 main parts:
The queue proc, QueueExport
The configuration tables: PTG_ExportDeploy, PTG_ExportConfig, PTG_ExportQueue, PTG_ExportOut, PTG_ExportInstance
The SSIS Parametrized package: The package looks for the Active exports and generates the file. [PACKAGE NAME GOES HERE]
ExportID: The unique pointer for the export job.
ExportName: A descriptive name for the purpose and data of the export.
Active: The Active flag that controls whether a file gets generated.
ExportConfigID: The ID for the configuration row.
ExportID: The Export ID that relates back to PTG_ExportDeploy.
TableName: The name of the table with the data to export.
FilePath: The target location for the generated file.
FileName: The intended name for the generated file.
ExportInstanceID: The ID for the Instance.
bywho: The DB User that queued the export.
Timestamp: The time when the export was queued.
ExportQueueID: The ID for the queue row.
ExportInstanceID: The Instance ID. (PTG_ExportInstance)
ExportID: The ID for the export. (PTG_ExportDeploy)
In order to enable the exports the following steps need to be taken:
Deploy the solution tables to the DB.
Populate the PTG_ExportDeploy and PTG_ExportConfig tables with the table names, file names, file paths and active flag.
Deploy the queuing procedure (dbo.QueueExport).
Deploy the package as a scheduled SQL Agent Job, running every 15 or 30 mins.