Primary Actor: Case Manager
Precondition: The user has the "View Petitions" right, and the court type allows petitions.
Trigger: The user navigates to the Judicial Viewer and opens a case.
Main Success Flow:
The system checks if the user has the "View Petitions" right.
The system checks if the court type is configured to show petitions.
The Petitions Section is displayed (either collapsed or expanded as per user settings).
The user views the petition details, including Petition Type, Petition Date, Disposition, Disposition Date, and any other relevant fields.
Alternate Flow:
If the user lacks the "View Petitions" right or the court type does not allow petitions, the Petitions Section will not be displayed.
Use Case 2: Edit Petitions
Primary Actor: Case Manager
Precondition: The user has update access to the case.
Trigger: The user navigates to the Petitions Section and clicks to edit the details.
Main Success Flow:
The user selects a petition from the section.
The user edits (sort, make it visible and set it as collapsed or keep it as expanded by default) the petition details, such as Petition Type, Disposition, or other relevant fields.
The system validates the input data.
The changes are saved and reflected in the Petitions Section.
Alternate Flow:
If the user does not have update access, the system will not allow any edits.